About Us


Why is a company successful? A good question but one with a fairly complicated answer. Some companies are great at cost controls, some companies are successful because they fill a hole in the market with little competition and others because they drive revenue with a strong sales team and an effective sales incentive plan. But, after 35 years in the consumer goods arena, I have come to understand that very few, if any companies, sustain long term health without effective product analysis and a vibrant product development focus.

That is what I do, what my skill set encompasses. I am not the person to call in to discuss cost controls or financing factors or even sales incentive programs. I muddled by on those throughout my career, like many others. What I can attest to is that the company I ran for 35 years was the market leader in the product we developed, amended, adjusted, extended and sold…eventually all of our competitors were dirivative, no matter how large.

Product Evaluation Partners is the culmination of those skills being marshaled to focus on helping Companies, Retailers, Lenders, Turn-A-Round firms, Investment Bankers and Private Equity groups.  I’ll leave the arms length analysis of the pure data to others, but I understand product, product mixes, competitive analyses and how to oversee product development in a way most don’t. I firmly believe that anyone tasked with assessing, fixing, promoting, , selling, turning-around or lending to a product centric company, needs to understand what it is they are looking at when looking at the products that drive the company’s revenue. We are here to help.